Full Albums:

One History of Troy
with Jonathan Chen, Jefferson Pitcher
colored vinyl, Attenuation Circuit (Germany), 2018

Triple Point – phase/transitions
with Pauline Oliveros, Jonas Braasch 3xCD Box Set, Pogus (U.S.), 2014

American Space Quintet – A Fatal Echoing June Fjord
with Jonathan Chen, Eric Leonardson, Al Margolis, Jefferson Pitcher
download, Striking Mechanism (U.S.), 2014

with Eric Leonardson, Al Margolis
CD-R, Attenuation Circuit (Germany), 2014

Quartet for the End of Space
with Pauline Oliveros, Francisco López, Jonas Braasch
CD, Pogus (U.S.), 2011

Live from DLI
with Al Margolis
download, Zeromoon (U.S.), 2011

Triple Point – Sound Shadows
with Stuart Dempster, Pauline Oliveros, Jonas Braasch
download, Deep Listening (U.S.), 2009

Generative Software Composition
on Super-Sensor #1, curated by Francisco López
USB Slim-Card, SONM / Puertas de Castilla Center (Murcia, Spain), 2017

Virtual Tour: A Reduced Carbon Footprint Series
Piece: Universal Synchrony Music vol 1 (Sarah Weaver, composer/conductor)
with Ray Anderson, Jane Ira Bloom, Mark Dresser, Michael Dessen,
Myra Melford, Nicole Mitchell, Matt Wilson, Min Xiao Fen
DVD, pfMENTUM (U.S.), 2016

Hession (Percussion) / Van Nort (FILTER System)
with Paul Hession
on Distributed Composition and Musical Metacreation,
curated by Doug Van Nort
download, Computer Music Journal/MIT Press (U.S.), 2014

Constellate (Excerpt/Rework)
on The Shape of Space yet to Come, curated by Jonathan Chen
download, Leonardo Music Journal/MIT Press (U.S.), 2014

Pin (dvnt_remix by Doug Van Nort)
on Bookwar – Pin
Cassette, Attenuation Circuit (Germany), 2014

Playing with Fire in the Gasholder
on Sounds Like Now: Improvisation + Technology, curated by Tara Rodgers
CD, Leonardo Music Journal/MIT Press (U.S.), 2010

on Listening for Music Through Community, curated by Pauline Oliveros
CD, Leonardo Music Journal/MIT Press (U.S.), 2009

on Hmmm Remix Compilation, curated by Kathy Kennedy
CD, Le Son 666 (Canada), 2007

Prelude: Storm
on Phonography: Compositions Using Field Recordings 1
CD-R, Phonography (U.S.), 2002