Dec 2010

RPI press release on our group’s research was published to several online sources.

Dec 11th, 8pm

Third Life Studios, Somerville, MA

Solo improvisation with GREIS/Electronics as part of the Opensound series. Also on the bill are the Bullock/Rawlings duo, Abram Taber and a realization of Cage’s Ryoanji.

Nov 10th, 7pm

West Hall, RPI, Troy, NY

Performing in an ensemble piece by Miya Masaoka, with Tintinnabulate and Soundwire (from CCRMA). Also on the bill is Miya playing solo and in duo with Chris Chafe. Part of the iEAR Presents series.

Oct 29th, 5-7pm

51 3rd St. Compound
Troy, NY

Channeling belial, asmodeus, loki and other lesser demons and tricksters through vocal incantation and more modern forms of inverted evp, in advance of All Hollow’s Eve. In conjunction with Sam Sowyrda (of Living Things and Dan Deacon Ensemble).

Oct 13th, 7:30pm

West Hall, RPI, Troy, NY

Performing with tintinnabulate ensemble and glass player Miguel Frasconi for the iEAR presents series, West Hall Auditorium, RPI.

Sept 17th, 8pm

Deep Listening Institute
Kingston, NY

An evening of psycho-electro-acoustics and free improvisation featuring Pauline Oliveros, Francisco Lopez, Doug Van Nort and Jonas Braasch

Please join us for a very special evening that promises to span a vast sonic terrain, challenging listener and performer alike through a seamless blend of Deep Listening and Absolute Noise, moving between ever-fluid improvisation and carefully controlled sound manipulation.

This quartet convened for two improvisational sessions between February and May of this year, with Lopez sitting in on a Triple Point recording session and bringing his finely crafted sonic objects-as-instruments, further spanning the electro-acoustic divide that has become Triple Point’s calling, with their blending virtual accordion, greis sound transformation system and soprano saxophone. These sessions have since become raw material for the individual artists to construct new visions of this shared sonic body – personal reflections culled from a collective tapestry.

This concert will feature these new personalized interpretations, presented with an expansive 16 channel sound system at the one and only Deep Listening Institute. Moving back from the personal to the collective, this will be followed by the world premiere of the new quartet in full improvisatory mode! Fragments from this crafted past will blend with reactions to the moment, sonic gestures being shared between players and sculpted within this unique space.

NOT to be missed!!

Sept 14-16th

EMPAC Studio 1, 10am -5pm
Blindfield sonic installation

This piece is the result of a collaboration between students of the Production, Installation and Performance course – co-taught by Michael Oatman of Architecture and Doug Van Nort of the Arts dept. – and sound artist Francisco Lopez. One hundred beautifully-constructed translucent fabric+wood panels will be hung in order to create a dense forest wherein materials and light playfully interact. From within this structure will emanate a highly distributed field of sound, with Lopez constructing a new work for this built visual/acoustic environment.

Sept 8th

EMPAC Theatre, 5:30pm

Performing at EMPAC, remotely for the Guelph Jazz Festival:

Featured together in a telematic performance accordion legend Pauline Oliveros performs live in Guelph (ON, Canada) with Anne Bourne (cello), Guelph’s own Ben Grossman (hurdy gurdy) and Jesse Stewart (percussion). They will be connected to two other sites, where they will be joined by Ricardo Arias on balloon (in Bogota, Colombia), by Jonas Braasch on soprano sax, Doug Van Nort on greis/electronics and Curtis Bahn on dilruba/electronics (Troy, NY).

Following at EMPAC is a local performance of containment and dispersence by Curtis Bahn, Jonas Braasch, Doug Van Nort and Blair Neal (live video).

July 14, 2010, 8:00pm

Jane Ira Bloom, soprano saxophone, Ned Rothenberg, alto saxophone, Dave Taylor, bass trombone, Kenta Nagai, shamisen, Jin Hi Kim, electric komungo, Doug Van Nort, greis/electronics, Gerry Hemingway, percussion, Sarah Weaver, composer/conductor
The Stone

Avenue C and 2nd Street, NYC

June 1-5, 2010

My short piece “espereptic #2” will be played as part of the 60×60 Sanguine Mix , during the ICMC conference in NYC and at Stony Brook University. As is common with the 60×60 project, be on the lookout for this mix to be played many more times in the near future, at various venues worldwide.

June 3, 2010

Awarded the 2010 Journal of New Music Research “Best Paper Award” for the 2010 ICMC conference! The paper is entitled

Doug Van Nort, Pauline Oliveros and Jonas Braasch, Developing Systems for Improvisation based on Listening, in Proc. of the 2010 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2010), New York, NY, June 1-5, 2010.

May 8, 2010

Performing with tintinnabulate at the Lotus Studio in NYC. The class did a very fine job of concert planning — come check it out!

May 1, 2010

I will be performing a duo with Ben Miller at the Albany Sonic Arts Collective in Albany, NY. Multiphonic guitars, sonic tapestries and spectro-temporal transformations – should be quite fun! Please come out and say hi.

April 24th, 2010

I’m performing with Triple Point at the Red Room in Baltimore. Also on the bill are Mike Bullock and Joe Reinsel.

April 23, 2010

I’m presenting a paper entitled “Extending the acoustic ensemble through spectral and temporal transformations in real-time” at the Joint Acoustical Society of America Meeting and Noise-Con 2010, Baltimore, Maryland.

March 27, 2010

In advance of the highly-anticipated Schuman award concert (see below), our trio Triple Point was featured on WNYC’s culture page. An example of what you might hear on March 27th!

March 27, 2010

The Columbia University School of Arts has honored Pauline Oliveros with the prestigious William Schuman Award. I cannot begin to express how exceptionally deserving this is! I also cannot begin to express how honored I am to be performing in the associated concert that will take place at the Miller Theatre. This includes a quartet piece for Triple Point and the interactive Agent-performer that I’ve been working on at RPI, as well as taking part in DroneIponia, which is a beautiful meditation that blends performers with iPhone synthesizers. More info is available here.

February 1-5, 2010

Week-long workshop at RPI/EMPAC with special guest Francisco Lopez. This is part of an ongoing collaboration with Francisco, myself, Michael Oatman, and students in Architecture and the Arts to design a new work that will be performed with Francisco at EMPAC in the fall. The project is made possible through an initiative by alumni and noted acoustician Chris Jaffe, and should produce something quite interesting. More on this as it develops….

January 8, 2010

At long last I have had my day, and successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Modular and Adaptive Control of Sound Processing”. This work combines sound analysis/synthesis, sonic gesture analysis grounded in electroacoustic music theory, design and theory of mapping strategies for digital music performance, perceptual studies and adaptive control systems in order to present a unified approach to computer-based performance and instrument design.