December 22nd, 8:30pm
Doug Van Nort (electronics, voice) + Émilie Mouchous (voice, synthesizers) + Alexandre St-Onge (electronics, instruments)
Casa Del Popolo
4873 boul. St-Laurent
Montreal, QC
December 16th
New article published in the Journal of New Music Research:
Doug Van Nort, Pauline Oliveros, Jonas Braasch, “Electro/Acoustic Improvisation and Deeply Listening Machines“
November 19th
I am giving a Talk at Hexagram entitled “Listening, Improvisation and Machine Mediation.”
In this hour I will present an overview of several pieces developed over the past five years. The selected projects illustrate a trajectory of works that bridge between immersive electroacoustic compositions/installations and my digitally-mediated improvisation practice. The talk will cover both solo and collaborative projects that direct attention towards reshaping the sonic environment while exploring themes such as distributed modes of listening and collective co-creation.
Hexagram Resource Centre EV 11.705
Concordia University, Montréal
November 14th
Invited presentation for Georgina Born‘s McGill University seminar on “The Socio-Cultural Study of Music”, in conjunction with Navid Navab. I look forward to engaging the seminar on the topic of mediation and materiality in digital electroacoustic music performance.
November 13th
Very excited to be participating in, and helping to shape, a meal/lecture event in total darkness. Part of the Physical Lectures series, which “seeks to fold the articulation of both physical knowledge and theory into a cohesive physical-intellectual experience.” Organized by the Department of Contemporary Dance at Concordia in conjunction with the Departments of Studio Arts, Music and Theater,
November 8th
Invited Presentation for the Research Conversation Series, which “aims to create a space where faculty and graduate students from all disciplines and programs can exchange information, ideas, and training expertise on research at Concordia.”
I will share the hour with Dr. Owen Chapman from Communication Studies, and we will discuss the topic of “performing research creation”.
October 23rd
Improvised performance with Prof. Dr. Cornelius Pöpel. A duo of electronics and viola in the 8-channel black box of the Matralab.
EV Building
1515 Ste Catherine West 4th floor
Space is very limited, so please contact me to RSVP for this event.
Tom Erbe has posted recordings of his excellent realization of Cage’s Williams Mix. I was among the 20 artists who contributed sounds to this ambitious project.
September 19th, 3:30 – 4:30pm
Improvised lecture/performance with Pauline Oliveros.
Part of Time Forms: Temporalities of Aesthetic Experience.
“‘Time Forms: Temporalities of Aesthetic Experience’ is a four-day major research-creation workshop that explores the ‘when’ of art today, held at McGill University and the Phi Centre in Montreal from September 18-21, 2013, curated by Eric Lewis (Philosophy), Stephen McAdams (Music Research) and Alanna Thain (English and World Cinemas) of McGill University. Bringing together scholars, artists, curators and the public, this event will investigate art events that intimately involve a temporal dimension, in order to explore different concepts, kinds and components of temporality in the experiencing of art.”
In this hour, Pauline and I will explore different modes of the “aesthetic experience of time.” This will include improvisation via our instruments (v-accordion and greis/electronics) – as we have often done – as well as via words, text, lecture and perhaps audience engagement.
Music Media Room (MMR)
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media Technology (CIRMMT)
527 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec
August 17
Presentation at the Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium with Adam Tindale, on our project “Oscillating Oscillators” – waveform modulation as a means of sound synthesis.
August 1
Beginning a tenure as a Banting Research Fellow at Concordia University in Montreal, as an affiliate of Hexagram and the Topological Media Lab.
July 12th – 14th
Deep Listening: Art/Science
The First International Conference on Deep Listening
As Conference Director, this has been one of my major projects thus far in 2013! An international conference devoted to the science and art of listening, featuring lectures, workshops, performances, roundtables, spontaneous happenings. Keynotes are Pauline Oliveros (founder of Deep Listening) and Seth Horowitz (auditory neuroscientist, author of author of “The Universal Sense: How Hearing Shapes the Mind”). Many other distinguished speakers will be featured, including a special “golden ear award” given to Cornell’s Katy Payne, pioneer in discovering Elephant infrasonic communication.
I am also performing a new piece at the Conference.
Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC)
Troy, NY
July 9th – 11th, 10am – 6pm
Conducting a workshop entitled Sound Sculpting and Deep Listening Through Electronics.
“In this workshop, participants engage in Deep Listening practice, in conjunction with collaborative creation exercises that utilize analog and digital electronics. The goal is to enhance listening and creativity through a mixture of bodywork, breathing/sounding/listening exercises, as well as the use of electronics as a medium for the collective listening and sounding experiences. The workshop thus leverages Van Nort’s unique take on Deep Listening practice that is informed by his life as a practitioner of electroacoustic composition/improvisation and sound-focused art/research.”
A limited number of slots are still available, so register today!
Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC)
Studio Beta
Troy, NY
July 1st
I am pleased to announce that I am now an Assistant Editor for the Computer Music Journal!
June 29th, 8:00pm
Solo (greis/electronics) and ensemble performance with Jonathan Chen, Eric Leonardson and Jefferson Pitcher and If, Bwana. A sonic mass of violins, guitars, homemade digital electronics and experimental acoustic instruments….
440 Warren St.
Hudson, NY
May 28th-June 27th
Teaching the summer course “Deep Listening and the Science/Technology of Sound/Music” at RPI.
Students learn about sound and music, engage in body work, improvisation and collaborative creation exercises, resulting in a final sonic installation created by the group.
June 9th, 8:00pm
Electroacoustic improvised trio performance along with Eric Leonardson and If, Bwana
My Place Pizza
322 Main St, Poughkeepsie, NY.
(yes, a pizza place and experimental music venue does exist…)
May 23rd, 8:00pm
Solo Performance (greis/electronics)
(also on the bill: Jed Speare/Ed Osborn duo, Liz Tonne solo)
10 Channel Center St
Boston, MA
May 3rd/4th
“[radical] is a multi-disciplinary, interactive dance performance. Through improvisational dance, the piece externalizes the inner working of the mind’s non-hierarchical distribution of thought. Music is generated from dancers’ muscles & blood flow via biophysical sensors that capture soundwaves from the performers’ muscular tissue. This corporeal data triggers complex neural patterns to be projected onto screens. As the audience interacts w/ the images, they enter into dialogue with the dancers.”
I am very excited to be working on a this large scale performance project. For my part, I will be composing/performing original music and developing interactive sound instruments for the dancers to play, based on the amazing Xth sense technology.
Directed by Heidi Boisvert and in collaboration with Marco Donnarumma, Pauline Jennings, Raven Kwok, Allen Hahn and Amy Neilson.
Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC)
Studio 2
Troy, NY
April 7th, 7:00pm EDT
Creating and performing on custom-made software instruments for sonification of live streams of NASA data, from the Kepler Mission.
Part of Sarah Weaver’s Universal Synchrony telematic project, featuring:
Jane Ira Bloom (sax), Min Xiao Feng (pipa), Ray Anderson (trombone), Matt Wilson (drums) Doug Van Nort (electronics) and Sarah Weaver (composer/conductor) in New York, Mark Dresser (bass), Michael Dessen (trumpet), Myra Melford (piano), Nicole Mitchell (flute) in San Diego.
In the context of Virtual Tour: A Reduced Carbon Footprint Concert Series
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics
Consortium for Digital Arts, Culture, and Technology (cDACT)
SUNY Stony Brook
April 1st
Deadline for Submissions:
I am the Conference Director, and so please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have. I will also be conducting a five-day, pre-conference workshop at EMPAC entitled “Sound Sculpting and Deep Listening Through Electronics”. Spaces are still available for this event – register today!
March 30th, 8:00pm
Pauline Oliveros, Doug Van Nort, David Arner and FILTER
A world premiere! Expect a range from lush walls of sound to delicate electro/acoustic interplay throughout the course of the evening….
“This electroacoustic improvising quartet features three humans (piano, accordion synthesizer, greis/electronics) and one machine (electronics) which reacts to its partners, transforming their sound in a musical dialogue. This set will feature each of the three possible human-machine duos, followed by the full quartet.”
509 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
General Admission: $15
Members/Students/Seniors: $10
March 22nd, 8:00pm
Solo (greis/electronics) and ensemble performance with Jonathan Chen, Eric Leonardson and Jefferson Pitcher. A mass of violins, guitars, homemade digital electronics and experimental acoustic instruments….
43 Main st.
Easthampton, MA
February 18th, 7:00pm
Presentation of new piece Discursive/Dispersive for networked digital ensemble. I will conduct piece telematically from the CCC at EMPAC in Troy, NY, with performers from the MICE ensemble located at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
Part of zerospace: an interdisciplinary initiative on distance and interaction
February 17th, 9:30pm
The Toneburst Laptop Ensemble of Wesleyan University will perform my piece ToneGO at SHARE NYC.
“The Toneburst Laptop Ensemble is the newest laptop ensemble formed at Wesleyan University, which performs new pieces created for the ensemble, as well as the reinterpretation of historical works using live electronics. This performance at SHARE represents the first time the group will perform some of its repertoire publicly, and will feature works by Wil Smith, Doug Van Nort, and others!”
@The (OA) Can Factory
232 3rd Street, Ground Flr
Brooklyn, NY 11215
January 17th, 8:00pm EST
Participation in the conference Net-Music 2013: The Internet as Creative Resource in Music
I appear in the first hour of the second day of the conference as follows:
- My telematic-related collaborations with Pauline Oliveros these past 10 years will be discussed as part of her keynote address
- Following this, my FILTER system will perform a duo with Chris Chafe (Stanford, Palo Alto, CA) over the network
- Next Triple Point (EMPAC, Troy, NY) will play with Chris Chafe, a return of our “Quartetto Telematico”
- Finally, we will be joined by the Ang Mo Faux ensemble from Singapore, for a performance of John Cage’s FOUR6
The archived recording of the events will be uploaded at the above site following the conference.
January 4th, 7:30pm
Improvised ensemble performance: Doug Van Nort (greis/electronics) in concert with Jane Rigler (flute), Glen Whitehead (trumpet/electronics), Jay Baker (bass), Janet Feder (guitar), David Mead (bass clarinet).
The Modbo Art Gallery
17 C. East Bijou and 17 B. East Bijou
Colorado Springs, Colorado