​December 10th @ 8:00pm

Electro-Acoustic Orchestra + Anne Bourne/Rick Sacks/Doug Van Nort

Set 1: York EAO
Set 2: Bourne/Sacks/Van Nort trio
…morphs into
Set 3: EAO + trio improv set

The York Electro-Acoustic Orchestra (dir. Doug Van Nort) is an ensemble comprised of a mixture of acoustic and electronic performers. It is an emergent sonic organism that evolves through collective attention to all facets of sound, and improvisational practice. Based at York University, the YEAO performs a range of pieces by its members, invited guest artists and from the experimental music repertoire. Current members are David Bandi, Christopher Cerpnjak, Carlos De Leon, Peter
Ellman, Rory Hoy, Ian Jarvis, Alexander Laurie, Kieran Maraj, Caleb Martin, Mark Mcgugan and Michael Palumbo.

Array Space
155 Walnut Street, Toronto, ON


December 7th + 8th @ 8:00pm

Electric Messiah

A stripped down, surround-sound, electo-improv Messiah for Today’s Toronto

Is it possible to become re-sensitized to this ubiquitous musical masterpiece by taking it apart and putting it back together again? Stripping Handel’s music back down to its barest essentials, Electric Messiah enables four singers, accompanied by guitar and electronics, to explore a selection of the work’s most popular movements through the lens of their own unique styles and cultural backgrounds.

Staged in the intimate, cabaret-style undergound of Toronto’s iconic Drake Hotel, in collaboration with curator Kyle Brenders, dramaturg Ashlie Corcoran and lighting designer Patrick Lavender, Soundstreams’ Electric Messiah will reconnect you to the music of the holiday season in a way that is surprising, fresh, and above all, FUN.

Featured artists:
Christine Duncan, vocals
Carla Huhtanen, vocals
Gabriel Dharmoo, vocals
Jeremy Dutcher, vocals
John Gzowski, guitar
Doug Van Nort, electronics
Electroacoustic Orchestra of York University

TICKETS: $15 in advance or $20 at the door. Available online soundstreams.ca/electric-messiah

November 19th @ 5:00-7:00pm

Deep Listening Session
Deep Listening is a practice focused on experiencing heightened awareness of sound, silence and sounding through meditation, body-work and collective listening-sounding exercises. This session will be presented by certified instructor Doug Van Nort.

November 12th @ 1:30-2:30pm

Electro-Acoustic Orchestra in concert

featuring guest composer Margaret Schedel

An emergent sonic organism that evolves through collective attention to all facets of sound, and improvisational practice. Based at York University,  the EAO (dir. Doug Van Nort) performs a range of pieces by its members, invited guest artists and from the experimental music repertoire. Current members are David Bandi, Christopher Cerpnjak, Carlos De Leon, Peter Ellman, Rory Hoy, Ian Jarvis, Alexander Laurie, Kieran Maraj, Caleb Martin, Mark Mcgugan and Michael Palumbo.

Tribute Communities Recital Hall
Accolade East​ Building
​York University

​November 6th @ 10:00pm – 1:00am

​416 Creative Improvisers Festival

10pm Hans Tammen
11pm CCMC
12am Doug Van Nort (voice, electronics)

Tranzac Club
292 Brunswick Ave
Toronto, ON


October 31st @ 7:00pm

Dispersion Lab takes AES by storm!

Telematic Concert linking DisPerSion, NYU, Stanford and Argentina
with main audience at NYU’s  Frederick Loewe Theater

Performing in the lab will be lab members Ian Jarvis and Doug Van Nort on electronics, along with Maneli Jamal on guitar.

Part of the 139th convention of the Audio Engineering Society_

October 23rd @ 3:00pm

Doug Van Nort, on”DisPerSion of/and Creativity”

Part of Propriomedia Colloquium Series
OCAD, Friday October 23rd, 3-5pm


October 2015

Announcing the DisPerSion Lab!

Inaugural Meeting:
Come and find out who/what we are and how you might become involved, now or in the future.
Lab Director Doug Van Nort will give a brief 15-30 minute overview of research interests and lab focus.  Discussion and meet/greet will follow.

October 13th, 5:00pm
+ every following Tuesday at 5:00pm unless otherwise noted on website/door

Inaugural Play Session  
Weekly play sessions in a variety of media, drawing heavily on improvisation and experimentation.  A time to develop a practice, test ideas, etc.
Come by and play!

October 15th, 5:00pm
+ every following Thursday at 5:00pm unless otherwise noted on website/door

DisPerSion Lab
Goldfarb Centre for Fine Arts room 334, York University, Toronto, ON

September 26th, 10:30pm

Solo Improvisation (voice, electronics)

International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)

Library Mall Stage (Outdoor Venue)
University of North Texas
​Denton, TX


August 17th, 8pm

Françoise Houle (clarinet) / Doug Van Nort (FILTER system)

part of a (sold out!) concert of  Musical Metacreation at ISEA

Daryl Jahnke / Arne Eigenfeldt
François Houle / Doug Van Nort
François Houle / Ollie Bown
Lisa Cay Miller / Michael Young
Lisa Cay Miller /  Shelly Knotts
Lisa Cay Miller / François Houle / George Lewis

Studio  T
Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
SFU Woodwards
Vancouver, BC


August 15th

Presenting paper

[radical] signals from life: from muscle sensing to embodied machine listening/learning within a large-scale performance piece

at the 2nd International Workshop on Movement and Computing (MOCO)
Simon Fraser University

Vancouver, BC


August 14-18th

New multi-channel sound piece “Palimpsestic”
Part of the artistic program for the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA)

Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
SFU Woodwards
Vancouver, BC


May 27th

Presenting seminar on electronic performance practice, for
Young Composer’s Workshop

Array Space
155 Walnut Street, Toronto, ON

May 23, 8:00pm

Premiere of new piece “a dispersion of elements”
for electronics and mobile audience interaction

I will also give a presentation on the work during the afternoon symposium

TransX Symposium on Transmission Arts
the Wychwood Theatre
601 Christie St, #176


May 18-20th

Three Day Seminar on Evolutionary Digital Art Creation

Hochschule Ansbach
Ansbach, DE


May 5th, 8:00pm

Improvised performance (electronics) with Anne Bourne (cello) and Rick Sacks (percussion)

The Array Space
155 Walnut Street, Toronto, ON


April 17th, 6:30pm

Datt Laptop Yorkestar

an emergent sonic organism; 
an ensemble of laptop performers weaving rhythmic patterns and sonic textures, via control signals shared over a local wifi network.

Peter MacKendrick Community Gallery
Wychwood Barns, Suite 177, Toronto, ON


March 26th, 7:30pm

Game of Drones

telematic performance featuring the students of my course “Designing Interactive Performances” and the Concordia Laptop orchestra (CLOrk)

Room 334 Goldfarb Centre for Fine Arts, York University, Toronto / 1450 Guy St., MB Building 8th Floor, Concordia University, Montreal

March 10th, 4-5:30pm

**This event has been postponed due to the York U. CUPE Strike**

Lecture: “Improvisation and the Noise of the World”

This talk will present a speculative meditation on the often-overlooked intelligences carried through the sonic medium. This includes the coded structures found within the noise of the world, the elasticity of the temporal sense, and how improvisation as an embodied listening/sounding practice serves as powerful means of engagement with these realities. Caution: audience engagement with listening and/or sounding may ensue.

Part of the Sensorium Lecture Series

Transmedia Lab
Accolade West 103
York University, Toronto


January 30/31, 7:30pm PST

Telematic Concert, linking:

Bing Concert Hall, Stanford University

Goldfarb Centre for Fine Arts, York University

“Universal Synchrony Music” Volume 3

Sarah Weaver (composer), Doug Van Nort (director of electronic music, sonification and visualization)

The overall structure is composed by Weaver.
The electronic music is composed by Van Nort: data from NASA’s Kepler mission is improvised/sonified/visualized by he and his team of Digital Media students at York University.


Stanford: Dylan Hunn (percussion), Kitty Shi (piano)

York: Doug Van Nort (electronics/sonification), Rick Demeester (electronics/sonification), Rory Hoy (electronics/sonification), Rose Zhou (live visuals), Akeem Glasgow (live visuals), Christina Kan (live visuals), Tony Nguyen (live visuals)

York Team:

Data Structuring and Sonification: Rick Demeester, Rory Hoy

Visualization: Anas Ashraf, Erica Ferkul, Akeem Glasgow, Christina Kan, Dylan Reymer, Justin Hsieh, Rose Zhou

Networking and Streaming: Kayla MacDonald, Sam Noto, Tony Nguyen

Stanford Streaming and Media System:

Chris Chafe, Eoin Callery, Constantin Basica
